Saturday 24 April 2010

Questionaire research

1.) The first question is just there to display the equal different in sex making it a fair amount.
2.) This question is a very basic question but it discovers how many different music magazines appeal to people. The majority of people chose my genre of magazine which shows how popular the style model is with modern day teens.
3.)The results shown for this question shows that the majority of people prefer more image dominated magazines which is also what I aim to interpret in my music magazine. I feel that the more appealing it is to the eye the more it grabs the readers attention.
4.)I decided to ask this question to see what people find more intresting out of finding new artists or learning more about more established artists. The results clearly state that the majority of people prefer to see more about the established artists although there is not a big difference between the amount of people who enjoy seeing new artists. This was important for my decision weather to publisize new and upcoming artists or well known artists in my magazine.
5.)This question shows that the majority of people prefer more image dominated magazines opose to the more blocky magazine with alot of text. Although a small percentage of people prefer the more blocky magazine because of the amount of information displayed.
6.)The way that music is purchased is very important in the music magazine industry by the way that CD's can be sold with the magazines but the results clearly state that the majority of people download music.
7.)By showing my interviewees a wide variety of artists who match different genres of music it links to the type of magazines they buy because if their favourite artist is featured it may promote them to buy the magazine. The highest voted was Jay Z who is based around the hip hop/r&b genre.
8.)By listing out a selection of different types of music magazines this helped the people chose out of other magazines which one they would prefer to buy. This helped my research suibstantially as the majority of people chosen VIBE magazine which is my style model.
9.)By asking the people hwy they chose the magazine this gives them a way to describe a valid reason for their purchase. The majority of the people chose the artists featured which is a major aspect to buying magazines.

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