Monday 26 April 2010

Final Music Magazine

Magazine photos before editing process.

Feedback from teachers and classmates

I found the feedback that I received from my teachers and classmates helped me undertsnad clearly what I needed to improve over the easter half term. The lesson was very helpful and it was so much more easier for me to know what to improve on as it was written out for me. The positive aspects to my project were my photographs,stories on front cover, colour scheme and conventions. The positive feedback I was given gave me confidence in my ability on photoshop which helped progress me through improving my negative aspects of work.

For my front cover I was told to use the eraser when cutting out images. I later on did this and also used a lower opacity to make smoother edges. I was also told that my barcode was too large so I resized it. I was also told to have more variety in my models because at that point I only had photographs of Abbi so I found more models to take photographs of.

For my contents page I was told to polish it up by making my columns more smoother. I was also told to have more variety in my photographs by not using the same camera angles. Since then I have had a re-photoshoot and I covered more camera angles.

For my double page spread I was told to change my font to microsoft sans serif and that my article needed to be bigger.I have since then increased the size of the article. I was also told to remember the rule of thirds columns on each page and since then I have changed it to the columns. I was also told to change the title and make a more bolder title inwhich I have done.

Saturday 24 April 2010

Music Magazine Diary

Week 1
This week I started my preliminary task to make a contents page and front cover for a school magazine. I spent Friday sketching out my rough piece of work. I did this to have ideas to start from so that I have something to develop further when I start the magazine on Photoshop. I made sure I included a lot of text on the front cover and a basic plan for the contents page to improve. On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday I spent time making the contents and front page on Photoshop after taking photographs around the school.

Week 2
This was the first week for my new project to create my own music magazine. The magazine has to have a certain genre and needs to be based on by a style model. This week I analysed front covers, contents pages and double page spreads from different types of music magazines. I researched into the layout, images, text and content. There was obvious styles to each of the magazines linking to the different genres. The way that colour schemes and the text were set out were all very individual. I learned alot about what styles to follow by making my magazine. I chosen my style model as 'Vibe' which is an R&B and hip hop genre.

Week 3
This week I started to plan my magazine by sketching out rough drafts of what I wanted to be included. I decided on a name for my magazine which is Limelight. I chose this name because the type of artists shown in my magazine are going to be the established types that appear in the limelight. I have chosen a colour scheme linking to my title by using green and also by using grey and black to link to my style model.

Week 4.
This week I received feedback from my teachers and classmates from my rough sketches and all seems to be very positive and the biggest advice I have been given is to keep going back to my style model and to follow the layout.

Week 5
I have started my magazine on photoshop and I have almost completed a brief front cover and contents page. Although the images used are ones of the artists of the internet. I have planned a day to take photographs with my model, Abbi Fasuan for next Monday. I have decided that I am going to use her as Beyonce for my double page spread and front cover image. I have made a diary of when, where, what pose and make up for my model.

Week 6
I took my photographs today for my magazine and I am generally pleased with them. I tried to use every camera angle in the photoshoot and I instructed my model with what to do and where. I chose to take my photographs behind a blank and a black wall. I thought the simple background would make her stand out more. I began editing the photographs on photoshop and I am very pleased with how they have turned out. I also added an image of her to my front cover and contents page and it looks great.

Week 7
This week I started my double page spread and kept in mind the three columns on each page and also set out my photographs on the pages. I completed my text for the double page spread and I constantly went back to my style model for inspiration. The colour scheme is working well as I have made three of the images in black and white just as my style model has. I also took photographs this week of my sister, Hannah and my friend Kathryn. I needed singluar photogrpahs for my contents page and I helped them both with their costume and mise en scene. I also had to set out the room for the photographs and use a light. The artists they were interpriting were, Ciara and Esmee Denters.

Week 8
This week I concentrated on polishing my magazine. I have edited the images more and the text in the double page spread. I also sorted out the columns in my contents page and used the rubber tool to clean up the cut out images. Overall I feel I have learned alot through this project and I understand all the different ways of displaying the different genres of the magazines through the layout, images and text.
My skills on photoshop have progressed thurully and I feel alot more confident using photoshop.

Questionaire research

1.) The first question is just there to display the equal different in sex making it a fair amount.
2.) This question is a very basic question but it discovers how many different music magazines appeal to people. The majority of people chose my genre of magazine which shows how popular the style model is with modern day teens.
3.)The results shown for this question shows that the majority of people prefer more image dominated magazines which is also what I aim to interpret in my music magazine. I feel that the more appealing it is to the eye the more it grabs the readers attention.
4.)I decided to ask this question to see what people find more intresting out of finding new artists or learning more about more established artists. The results clearly state that the majority of people prefer to see more about the established artists although there is not a big difference between the amount of people who enjoy seeing new artists. This was important for my decision weather to publisize new and upcoming artists or well known artists in my magazine.
5.)This question shows that the majority of people prefer more image dominated magazines opose to the more blocky magazine with alot of text. Although a small percentage of people prefer the more blocky magazine because of the amount of information displayed.
6.)The way that music is purchased is very important in the music magazine industry by the way that CD's can be sold with the magazines but the results clearly state that the majority of people download music.
7.)By showing my interviewees a wide variety of artists who match different genres of music it links to the type of magazines they buy because if their favourite artist is featured it may promote them to buy the magazine. The highest voted was Jay Z who is based around the hip hop/r&b genre.
8.)By listing out a selection of different types of music magazines this helped the people chose out of other magazines which one they would prefer to buy. This helped my research suibstantially as the majority of people chosen VIBE magazine which is my style model.
9.)By asking the people hwy they chose the magazine this gives them a way to describe a valid reason for their purchase. The majority of the people chose the artists featured which is a major aspect to buying magazines.

Research into questionaire

For my questionaire I decided to interview an equal amount of males and female.
I interviewed 10 females and 10 males. I decided that this would be an even choice by using an equal amount of each sex. I did not base my questionaire around a certain age group. Although every person I interviewed were in their late teens. My style model for my magazine has a target audience to this age group. I made sure my questions had a variety in the answers and also made sure they related to important facts needed to produce a magazine. My genre for my magazine is R&b and although not all my interviewees favourited this genre it was a good way to show variety.

Friday 23 April 2010

Questionaire results

1.) Are you male or female?
Male - 10
Female - 10

2.) What kind of magazines do you buy?
Rock -2
Pop - 5
Indie - 3
R&B - 10

3.) What do you like most about front covers?
Bright colours - 5
Good photographs - 13
Alot of text - 2

4.) What do you want to read about in magazines?
New up and coming artists - 7
Established artists - 13

5.) What do you not like to see in a magazine?
Too much text - 17
Too many photographs - 3

6.) Do you buy CD's or download music online?
CD - 3
Download - 17

7.) Which artist/would attract you to buy a magazine?
Jay Z - 7
Arctic monkeys - 2
Sugababes -6
Kings of Leon - 5

8.) Which of the following magazines would you buy?
• VIBE 8
• Q - 5
• Kerrang - 2
• Rolling Stones - 5

9.)What makes you buy this magazine over the other magazines?
The layout - 4
Artists featured - 7
Content - 4
photographs - 5

Rough Draft