Wednesday 10 March 2010

Music Magazine - Contents Page Analysis

Vibe contents page analysis

The main colour tone to the contents page from ‘vibe’ magazine is cold and blue. The depth of field in the image makes the man at the front stand out and catches the reader’s attention. The two men in the background are both dressed in the same clothing and looking to the right. The rule of thirds has been used in this photograph. The light colour of the sky is a good place for the text to be placed because it is a lot clearer because of the contrasting with the dark coloured text. The setting is very rural and looks quite deserted. The text ‘contents’ is separated to give an edgy feel and is in block capitals. The other two titles are in a posh font which contrasts with the basic font of the contents title. The titles font is serif although the story is all in sans serif.

Kerrang Magazine contents page analysis

This contents page for the magazine Kerrang overall is veyr busy and there is alot of images along with text. The majority of the text is in small font and also is well written. The succesful rock magazine may do this because they have alot to live up to. There is page number on the top right corner of each image to make it more easier for the reader to acces and the font is sans serif. The text is all black and gives off a sophisticated look especially with the contrast of the light blue background. The title 'contents' is in yellow living up to the magazines main colours black and yellow. The vintage colours are easily recognisable to the link with the mainstream magazine. The top right corner shows a small image of the front cover along with an editors review. This added touch makes the magazine alot more personal to its readers. The caption this week at the left side is a quirky way of interpriting what is in the magazine instead of using a basic approach. Everything is set out in columns and the whole layout is very organised. The main image is of a mains face from a side angle. The man has a tatoo on his neck linking with the stereotype of a rock and roll star. Below are two images from gigs and concerts. One of a man with long hair singing and the other a contrast showing a man pkaying a recorder. This shows that the magazine is trying to cover many more types of usic to bring in more fans.

Vibe Magazine Ciara contents page analysis

The contents page shows singer Ciara dressed in a white boysuit lying at a sideways angle with her legs stretched out above her. The image itself is very arty and shows a great line of her body from her head to her toe. The body language she uses signals attitude which is also noticable in her cunning facial expression. She is wearing cloggy blue high heels aswell which blends nicely with the dark to light grey background. The photograph itself is very mysterious. On the left side there is two subheadings listed,'Features' and 'Fashion.' The subheadings link to her fashionable clothing. The text is black and is serif in font. The title 'CONTENTS' is spread in a lined order seperating the con from the nten and the ts. This is a very different and vintage style to give the page. The original outlook works with the vintage phorograph. The title is in sans serif white bold.

Q Magazine contents page analysis

The main colour scheme in this contents page for Q magazine is black, white and red. These colours which are very bland although signify blood and gore. This links to the type of magazine that this is. The main title is 'drummer' in black font sans serif and block capitals. The boldness in text shows how powerful the magazine is. The magazine Q is a well established rock music magazine that has progressed through many years to become of the greatest selling rock music magazines. The magazine layout is very busy and shows alot of content for one page. Filled with 5 medium sized images and one large it takes up alot of the space. This leaves less space for text although the layout of the magazine is clever by seperating the images to make it more even. The main image being of a drummer is in black and white. The action shot shows that the image was taken at a gig or concert and will promote the reader to read on to see more photographs from the performance. On the top right corner of each of the images shows a page number making it alot easier for the reader to acces what page the image links to. On the bottom right corner shows an image of a band standing outside one by one. This shows that the band are posing for a shot and they look to be a new and upcoming band. Hoping that they will soon be succesful in the future by having an article in this succesful magazine.

Flavour Magazine contents page analysis

The contents page for the music magazine flavour gives off a very basic look. The blank background and the listed pages shows a perfect example of a plain contents page. The title is in serif font block capitals and is a dark shade of yellow. The colour tone shows a sophisticated colour and makes the layout look alot more polished and established. On the right side shows three images. one being pixie lott, the new and upcoming singer and the other image a model. The two images are both behind a blank background adding to the basic background to the contents page. The backgorund blends it well with the images. The larger image underneath is a very colourful and arty photograph of a japanese woman. The image has many outbursts of colour including purple, blue and pink. Showing great contrast. The image is what looks to be a painting. The whole layout of this magazine is very organised and everything is put in place.

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