Wednesday 3 February 2010

Magazine Front Cover and Contents!

My Magazine Front Cover And Contents Page Evaluation

Since sketching out my rough images for my magazine contents and main page I have transformed my ideas and put it together for my proper version. I decided to have a modern and sofisticated look for the contents with a world globe in the background representing my magazine name, 'Whitley World'. I also made sure the font of my text on the contents page was a dark colour to contrast through the light background. I also placed each of the pictures which represented the pages in the magazine beside which page they were on. For exaple for the Whitley Come Dancing Report I placed a photo taken of people dancing. This hopefully made it clearer for the reader and gave them an image to relate to whilst reading the report.
For my front page I made sure I had a bold photograph with a clear white background to grab the readers attention and also to make the text clearer. I also made sure the photographs blended into the background with the babe of the bay. My front cover story and title was, 'The best revision tips!' showing an image of a girl with an encyclopaedia. Showing the stereotypical representation of a clever schoolgirl. My other titles across the page are in different fonts and different shapes and angles to add more intrest and appeal to the reader. Overall I feel that I have improved in my skills of photoshop and also developed in my ideas for a magazine design.

Tuesday 2 February 2010

Callums 2nd Magazine analysis

I also analysed the magazine for a school called Top Terrence. There appears to only be a front cover with no contents page but on the other hand there is alot of text and on the front page. The significent amount of text on the front cover can be a major disadvantage because it is not a very appealing for the reader. The main colour scheme is yellow and it makes it alot of easier for the reader because of the light background. The photographs on the front cover are bold and clear.

Monday 1 February 2010