Thursday 28 January 2010

School Magazine Analysis

The magazine I analysed was Chill Chapel High in Long Lane. I found the choice of the colour of the writing in white good as it was bold and stood out behind the red and black background. The way that the two colours were split down the middle also shown good contrast and made the writing clearer. The photos were slightly blurry which didn’t help if they were seen from a distance close to the eye. This was down to resizing the photographs without pressing the shift key. The whole design is also very funky and retro with the way that the borders around the words are all star designed. The bright colours can make it hard for the reader to read the writing in the font which is white. This is because it almost blends into the background.

There is also a lot of writing positioned at different angles for example the sign saying ‘connecting classrooms from all around the world.’ Although this is an original way to write the language it can make it difficult for the reader to see the text. There is also text in small boxes although the text is small and difficult to read. The images on the main page each represent the text which is beside the images but on the other hand the image on the contents doesn’t link to anything.